Rough & Dirty (Jamesons of Coyote Ridge) – ARC review

Rough & Dirty
by Nicole Edwards
Release Date: June 11, 2024
Publisher: Nicole Edwards Limited
Book #2 in the Jamesons of Coyote Ridge series
Number of Pages: 719
Source: ARC from author
Contemporary Romance
Ages 16 and up
One night. Rough, dirty, and so hot, it was a wonder the barn didn’t burn down from the heat they generated.

If Stone Jameson were writing a letter to his younger self, it would go something like Don’t waste time leaving. You have everything you’ll ever want already.

Unfortunately, Stone didn’t have the ability to warn his younger self, nor could he get the last fifteen years of his life back. He could, however, return to the last place he’d experienced real happiness—his hometown of Coyote Ridge.

It takes mere days for him to realize that all the years he spent trying to forget the night that had altered his perception of himself were in vain. It takes a single glimpse of what he left behind to bring it all the potent attraction, the intense connection, and the longing permanently etched in his soul.

Getting absolution for his mistakes might be impossible, but when a second chance presents itself, Stone knows that determination and persistence are the only tools he needs to build the solid foundation he’s seeking.

The first few chapters in this book take place 15 years in the past. I have to say, I was so invested in this triad that I didn’t want their night together to end. I knew there was some reason they wouldn’t be together and it shook me, even knowing that by the end there would be a HEA. The chemistry between these three was off the charts; physically and emotionally. Perfection!

Of course, there wouldn’t be a story if they just stayed in their happy bubble forever. A lot can happen in 15 years, but sometimes those feelings come swooshing back in as soon as you see the love(s) of your life again. Stone is the one who left and he is the one who has to earn back the trust of Nico and Stevie. Especially since Stevie and Nico have gotten to a place where they are great friends, business partners, and roommates. Maybe there are still a lot of unresolved issues, but they are trying to be happy. Stone showing up again can either cement a lifelong relationship or tear everything apart again.

There are a lot of other people Stone has to prove himself to; nobody quite believes he’s home to stay. Yet over all of the years he was gone Stone has realized he will never be happy if he doesn’t try to mend what he’s broken and get Stevie and Nico back into his life. The journey of these three is at times fun and at times tore at my heart. They are so obviously meant to be together but there is so much baggage involved.

As always, I love spending time in Coyote Ridge. Whether it’s with the Walkers or the Jamesons it doesn’t matter. The author does a fantastic job of keeping the reader up to date on all the old favorites without bogging down the current story. I’m excited for this further expansion into the Jameson family.

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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