Friday Favorites – 6/9/23

Most of my Friday Favorites posts have been of the Flashback variety lately. But today I want to acknowledge that my very favorite thing, even more than books and reading, is my family.

Last weekend my son and daughter-in-law entrusted Hazel to us for a whole weekend. We’ve had her overnight, but this time they were going to a whole other state (actually a few states away) so we had her from early Friday morning until Sunday afternoon. On Saturday afternoon my husband took the top and doors off the Jeep for the first time this year and was planning on going to run an errand about a half hour away. It was a hot and sunny day and Hazel and I decided to join him to get some open-air Jeep time. Just a few miles from home someone ran a red light and changed everything. Thankfully, we are all okay. Car seats work people! Use them! The light runner was much worse off than we were as we technically hit them although they were at fault and we had a much bigger and more rugged vehicle than their sedan.

But still, our airbags deployed, the engine was smoking, the front is crunched, and we are without our Jeep. Thankfully we have a rental provided through our insurance, but you can’t tell me that driving a Nissan Versa compares to driving a Jeep Wrangler in the summer. I could go on and on about the length of time we’ll be in limbo (at least 2 months) and the reasons for that, the details of the collision, and all of the ducks we’re still trying to get in a row. I won’t because it would just be me venting my frustrations. And the most important part is that we are all okay.

Not only are we thankful for our kids and granddaughter, but all of our family. My sister-in-law and nephew were a saving grace that day. I know if I had needed even more help from my mom or brother or anyone else they would have stepped up as well. Kristina and Logan picked us up even though they were on their way for a mom/son outing to the movies. Then Kristina took Hazel for a few hours of Slurpees, water guns, and water balloons while my husband and I made phone calls and let the adrenaline wear off. When I thanked my 8-year-old nephew for giving up his fun day to play with his 3-year-old cousin he just shrugged and said, “We can see the movie later”.

Family. They’re not perfect and I know many people have no family at all they can turn to. I’m so thankful we have family we can rely on when times get tough.

Hazel taking a rare nap with her penguin. I can count on one hand the number of times she’s taken a nap at my house.

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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3 Responses to Friday Favorites – 6/9/23

  1. Wow! How stressful and scary! I’m so glad you are all okay and that you had family there to help out.

  2. Pingback: Spell the Month in Books – July 2023 | All In Good Time

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