Covet (Fallen Angels) – book review

by J.R. Ward
Release Date: September 29, 2009
Publisher: Signet
Book #1 in the Fallen Angels series
(related to the Black Dagger Brotherhood)
Number of Pages: 474
Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
Ages 17 and up
CW: domestic violence, child abuse,
alcoholism, violence, kidnapping,
stalking, murder
Redemption isn’t a word Jim Heron knows much about—his specialty, both personally and professionally, is revenge, and to him, sin is all relative.

Vincent Di Pietro has surrendered himself to his business—until fate intervenes in the form of a tough-talking, Harley-riding, self-professed savior, and a woman who will make him question his destiny.

This series takes place in the same world as this author’s Black Dagger Brotherhood. In that series, I’m a bit ahead of where this book fits in, but I didn’t notice that at all. There is barely any crossover in any significant way. Trez is the most prominent crossover character for those wondering when/if they can pick this book up.

Since this is a series starter, this is a lot to cram in. That meant the beginning was a bit slow for me. I know the world-building needed to be done, but I was anxious to get on with it. Once all the ducks were in a row and all the players were introduced, things went at a good clip. Luckily, I love the main character so I was willing to wait for the payoff. Jim Heron is a good guy with a shady past. He was tired of doing bad things for the “good guys” and just wanted a break. It seems he had to die to get that break, though.

Jim’s second chance at life comes with some caveats though. He has to help save the world. In this particular case, save the rich jerk and save the world. Thankfully, there’s more to Vin than meets the eye. Plus, more to Marie-Terese than the world sees of her. These two give this book the love story I’m always looking for in my books, but I wouldn’t classify it as a Romance since their budding relationship is not the central story. (Don’t worry, they do have a HEA.)

I felt Jim’s frustration as he was only being given little scraps of information at a time, which often tied his hands or had him veering off in the wrong direction. For lack of a better way to explain it, the angels and demons aren’t allowed to flat-out tell him how to do his new job. They can nudge things along though.

While this story did have some humor, it was also quite dark. Although Vin and Marie-Terese’s part of the story is wrapped up, Jim still has a lot of work to do and a lot to learn about his new job as a fallen angel. Overall, this story is great. I was a bit confused about the stalker situation and how that was really not explained thoroughly in the end. I don’t want to give spoilers so I won’t say more, but it left me a bit baffled.

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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4 Responses to Covet (Fallen Angels) – book review

  1. Bummer. Sorry this wasn’t as good as you hoped. This is an author I think I planned on trying this year. I’ll try a different book.

    • Cheri says:

      I may have asked you this before, but have you read urban fantasy? I hadn’t before this author and it moves a lot slower than what I’m used to with contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and historical romance. I do enjoy her books, but they are long and I go in knowing the pace and length means it’ll take me longer to read.

  2. Pingback: Crave (Fallen Angels) – book review | All In Good Time

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