Fireside (Lakeshore Chronicles)


by Susan Wiggs
Release Date:  January 27, 2009
Publisher:  MIRA
Book #5 in the Lakeshore Chronicles series
Number of pages:  416
Source: Warren Public Library
Contemporary Romance M/F
Rating: R
Read 2/16/19 to 2/20/19


Baseball hopeful Bo Crutcher is about to get his shot at the majors. That is, until life throws him a curveball. When AJ, the son he’s never met, lands on his doorstep, Bo’s life becomes a whole new ball game. He needs help — and fast!

Enter Kimberly van Dorn. Hired to smooth Bo’s rough exterior for the media, she expects the kind of shallow pro athlete she’s used to handling. But Bo is willing to sacrifice everything for his vulnerable son. Kim can train him to hit a home run with the press, but over a breathtaking winter on frozen Willow Lake, she realizes that Bo has far more to teach her about the game of life — and putting love first.

This story in the Lakeshore Chronicles series features Kimberly and Bo, but I found myself anxiously awaiting any mention of Daisy.  Don’t get me wrong, I really like Kim and Bo.  I am just so invested in Daisy and her life.  I cannot get enough!  If you are a Daisy fan like I am, be assured we get some good scenes with her in this story.

This book, although published 10 years ago as of my reading, couldn’t be more timely.  The issues Bo’s son AJ has to deal with are at the forefront of today’s news cycle pretty much every day.  I’ve never had to deal with these issues myself, but from what I can tell the author handled the situation well.  She gave a lot of information without bogging down the story.  I was able to feel AJ’s fear and heartache, Bo’s anger and protectiveness, all of it one big ball of anguish.  Yet, the way everyone tries to keep AJ’s spirits up brings a lot of bright spots into the story.

There was an instant connection between Bo and Kimberly.  Although I didn’t feel their chemistry as strongly as some of the other couples in this series, they are definitely meant to be together.  Their chemistry almost came more from a place of comfort.  I mean that in a good way.  Comfort is what they both need in their lives and what AJ need in his life.  The three of them together have a sort of safety and security that was felt by me as I was reading.

I’m enjoying some of the peeks into the lives of the younger generations in town.  With this author’s magic, I’m sure some day I’ll be reading their HEA stories.

4 stars

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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