Tough Talking Cowboy (Wild Rose Ranch) – book review

Tough Talking Cowboy
by Jennifer Ryan
Release Date:  March 31, 2020
Publisher: Avon
Book #3 in the Wild Rose Ranch series
Number of Pages:  400
Kindle edition
Source:  MCL
Contemporary Romance
Ages 18 and up
CW: suicidal thoughts, drug abuse, sexual abuse

Ex-Army Ranger Drake McGrath has come home to Montana, locked in a battle with himself, lashing out at those who love him most—driving away his ex-fiancée and alienating his family. But Adria Holloway sees beyond Drake’s tough talk to the raw pain beneath.

Raised with her twin sister Juliana by a neglectful mother at the Wild Rose Ranch, Adria also struggles to put the trauma from her past behind her. To help them both, she makes Drake a shocking deal—a no-strings relationship that’ll help them both face down their demons. Maybe it’s a way for her and Drake to heal each other, one sizzling night at a time…

The heat between them is instant and incredible. But the biggest challenges are yet to come. With Juliana battling her addiction and Drake working on his issues, Adria realizes she can’t save everyone. But Drake and Adria discover love can survive tragedy and loss—and they can have the life they never thought possible if they just hold on.

There are some quite harrowing scenes toward the beginning of this book. Drake has PTSD and experienced some very traumatic things while in Afghanistan. The author does such a wonderful job of portraying one of his flashbacks. It was disturbing, touching, and really got me in the gut. In the author’s note she talks about her husband’s service and it helped me to understand how she was able to get to the heart of such an experience.

Knowing Adria from previous books in this series, we already know she is patient and no-nonsense and tough with a heart of gold. Getting to know her even more here, my heart just broke for this magnificent person. Adria is most definitely good people and those in her circle are lucky to be there. She’ll do anything for those she loves.

Drake and Adria have such a deep and emotional connection almost instantly. This is one of those fun “let’s get it out of our system” stories that makes the reader chuckle knowing there is no way the couple will be able to keep their feelings out of it all. It’s such a deep story and they’ve both dealt with so much in their lives, I don’t know how they thought there wouldn’t be heavy emotions.

Be prepared for the tears, heartache, butterflies, and eventual joy this book will bring you. It’s truly a beautiful story.

5 stars

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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