The Lady Gets Lucky (The Fifth Avenue Rebels) – book review

The Lady Gets Lucky
by Joanna Shupe
Release Date: October 26, 2021
Publisher: Avon
Book #2 of The Fifth Avenue Rebels series
Number of Pages:  384
Historical Romance
Ages 16 and up
A first-rate scoundrel.

A desperate wallflower.

Lessons in seduction.

The woman no one notices . . .
Shy heiress Alice Lusk is tired of being overlooked by every bachelor. Something has to change, else she’ll be forced to marry a man whose only desire is her fortune. She needs to become a siren, a woman who causes a man’s blood to run hot . . .and she’s just met the perfect rogue to help teach her.

He’s the life of every party . . .
Christopher “Kit” Ward plans to open a not-so-reputable supper club in New York City, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to hire the best chef in the city to guarantee its success. Even if it requires giving carnal lessons to a serious-minded spinster who has an in with the chef.

Their bedroom instruction grows passionate, and Alice is a much better pupil than Kit had ever anticipated. When the Society gentlemen start to take notice, Kit has to try to win Alice in other ways…but is he too late to win her heart? 

All of the emotions and chemistry I felt were missing from the first book in this series are here in this book. From the moment Kit let Alice through his door I could feel their connection. Then, the way Kit was so enamored with Alice in all that she did, fully won me over.

The first half of this story runs parallel with a good portion of the previous book. We are days into the house party at Maddie’s house. Alice is painfully shy, mostly because her mother has cut her down most of her life. Kit is known to be a charmer and Alice wants to know how she can channel some of his charisma into finding herself a husband before her mother saddles her with a loveless and miserable marriage.

I love watching a known lady’s man fall and a shy, meek woman come out of her shell. Kit knows he’s not the man for Alice, but he’s going to make sure she has a backbone before their deal is done. It pains Kit to think of Alice being taken advantage of or hurt in any way so he wants to make sure she not only has the skills to hook a husband, but the confidence to get what she needs from any future relationship.

This pair put my heart in a vice. The yearning they both felt and the respect they had for one another tore me apart. Good thing they have some wonderful friends who don’t mind interfering. I adore Nelly and this story made me even more curious about her connection to the duke. (That poor duke.) I’m so glad I continued this series after my lukewarm reaction to the first book.

4.5 stars

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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2 Responses to The Lady Gets Lucky (The Fifth Avenue Rebels) – book review

  1. This title and cover cracked me up for some reason. I’m glad the emotions and chemistry didn’t let you down in this one.

  2. Pingback: The Bride Goes Rogue (Fifth Avenue Rebels) – book review | All In Good Time

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