Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling) – audiobook review

Slave to Sensation
by Nalini Singh
Narrator: Angela Dawe
Release Date: September 5, 2006
Publisher: Berkley
Book #1 in the Psy-Changeling series
Number of Pages: 353
Paranormal Romance
Ages 15 and up
CW: serial murder, torture, racism
Dive into a world torn apart by a powerful race with phenomenal powers of the mind—and none of the heart . . .

In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of “rehabilitation”—the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was . . .

Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a Changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy co-existence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several Changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion—and that the animal in him is fascinated by her.

Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities—or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation . . .

I’m so tempted to say, “Why didn’t anyone tell me how fantastic Nalini Singh is?!?” I cannot do that since it would be a lie. For years I’ve seen recommendations for this author. Any time I see her name come up it’s with high praise. So I only have myself to blame. This book was amazing!

I had a bit of trepidation going into this as an audiobook. I knew it would be a huge world-building book due to it being the first in the series. On top of that, it was a single narration. It wasn’t long before I was fully immersed in this story and my misgivings were forgotten. I was fascinated by the different races and their characteristics. While this book is firmly in the paranormal genre, it also sometimes felt like a science fiction story in the way the storytelling and world-building progressed.

All of the characters fascinated me. From Sascha and Lucas to all of Lucas’ pack and the other packs that have been introduced so far. There are so many possibilities for the direction this series can go and I’m excited to see how everything unfolds. Sascha and Lucas have wonderful chemistry and, as the story progressed, I loved seeing familial chemistry grow between Sascha and others in Lucas’ pack. I truly believed these people loved and cared for each other deeply.

While I often chat my husband’s ear off about books I’m currently reading and will tell him how much I enjoyed a book after I’ve read it, I rarely do what I did with this book. I paused the story, looked at him out of the blue, and said, “I really love this story.” That’s it. Simple, but it said so much. I didn’t want to tell him about the book because I was too engrossed to stop listening, but I couldn’t wait to tell someone how much I was enjoying myself. If you’re a paranormal reader and haven’t read this author yet, stop putting it off!

Note: It’s very disturbing that not one cover I’ve seen for this book portrays a woman with dark skin. Not even one with any sort of hint that the FMC is not white. Ugh!

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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3 Responses to Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling) – audiobook review

  1. Um…I would have thought the FMC was white based on that cover! That is disappointing. I have only read one book by this author and it didn’t work out for me, but it was a contemporary romance. Maybe I need to branch out and try this one. Great review!

    • Cheri says:

      I didn’t even know she wrote anything other than PNR. It’s all I ever see attached to her name. And yes, the cover was very disappointing. Especially when I saw every edition was terrible for representing the characters.

  2. Pingback: Visions of Heat (Psy-Changeling) – audiobook review | All In Good Time

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