The Stopover (Miles High Club) – audiobook review

The Stopover
by T.L. Swan
Narrators: C.J. Bloom & Sebastian York
Release Date: September 26, 2019
Publisher: Montlake
Book #1 in the Miles High Club series
Number of Pages: 447
Contemporary Romance
Ages 15 and up
I was upgraded to first class on a flight from London to New York.

The food, champagne, and service were impeccable—the blue-eyed man sitting next to me, even better.

He was smart, suave, and sexy. We talked and flirted—and though the plane was unexpectedly grounded, we still felt sky high in each other’s company.

We danced and laughed our way around Boston…and had a night of crazy passion that no woman could forget.

That was twelve months ago, and I haven’t heard from him—until today.

I started a new job and met the CEO. Imagine my surprise when I saw those naughty blue eyes gazing at me from behind his mahogany desk.

But I’m not that carefree girl anymore. I have a boyfriend now, and responsibilities.

Now he wants to see me in his office for a private meeting. How can I resist?

The MMC is very dislikable at the beginning of this story. I honestly didn’t understand what the MFC saw in him. I wasn’t yet feeling the chemistry between Emily and Jameson (aka Jim, aka J) in that first chapter. Luckily, I did feel the chemistry as the story progressed.

While the chemistry built and Jameson started showing his softer side, I settled into this story. Yet I couldn’t help thinking the push/pull between these two could have been whittled down. Every time they start getting along, something causes a fight. Of course the core differences between the two of them needed to be shown so their growth as characters could be shown, but the amount of time it took before the couple settled into their relationship bogged the story down a bit. Plus, although this is a dual POV story, we got much more of Emily than Jameson. Especially in the first half of the book.

Emily and Jameson are good for each other. They don’t pull their punches and that helps them to appreciate what they have. I enjoyed this story when it focused on their loving relationship and the mystery they were trying to solve. But again, I felt too much was thrown into the mix. Plus, some of the fires they had going weren’t adequately resolved for me. There is an overall resolution, but some loose threads that bothered me. These aren’t the type of things that are likely left that way to roll over into the next story in the series either. It was odd.

Regardless, I did like this story, and the grovel at the end helped things to end on a good note for me. I love a great grovel and Jameson had a lot to do. You are warned, he says some terrible things to Emily and I’m glad she didn’t forgive him the first time he groveled after it happened.

Jameson’s brothers are all great, even when some weren’t sure about Emily it was understandable. Tristan really stood out and I’m definitely going to be reading his story.

About Cheri

I love to read, mostly romance. And I love to give and get recommendations for great books.
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2 Responses to The Stopover (Miles High Club) – audiobook review

  1. I feel like I tried one of the books in this series (or maybe it was just another by the author) and it didn’t work for me. I’m glad you were able to enjoy it despite the things you didn’t love.

    • Cheri says:

      I saw a review talking about how it was a TikTok fail, and if I had seen hype about it I would have been disappointed like the reviewer had been. It’s a good solid story that kept me company while I was cooking dinner, vacuuming, etc. Nothing extraordinary.

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